Less than one teaspoon ginger and cinnamon daily relieves muscle soreness in athletes

Cinnamon Quills

Many well-intentioned workout resolutions have been thwarted by the first signs of sore, stiff muscles in the days following a visit to the gym. One study found that two common kitchen spices help relieve that post-workout muscle pain.

Researchers at Iran’s Isfahan University of Medical Sciences studied the effects of ginger and cinnamon on the muscle pain of 60 fit female competitive Taekwondo players, aged 13-25 years. The women were divided into three groups. For six weeks, each group took three grams (1 tsp = 4 grams) of either powdered ginger, cinnamon or placebo every day.

During the study, the women were tested for an indicator of inflammation and for muscle soreness. The results, published in the International Journal of Preventive Medicine, showed that women in both the ginger and cinnamon groups had significantly less muscle soreness after exercising than the placebo group. A similar study from the University of Georgia, also confirmed ginger’s ability to relieve muscle soreness after strenuous exercise.

The researchers did not find any difference in the inflammation marker among the three groups despite other studies showing strong anti-inflammatory qualities of ginger and cinnamon. They speculated that the three gram dose may have been insufficient to make a measurable difference.

Both ginger and cinnamon have been used medicinally for thousands of years. Each contains a wide range of compounds shown to curb inflammation, reduce oxidative stress and modulate other healing mechanisms within the body.


DMSO Is a Miraculous Therapy for Pain and Tissue Injury

Sore Knee

  • The standard approach for managing pain and musculoskeletal injuries often involves NSAIDs (e.g., ibuprofen), which are linked to serious risks, including tens of thousands of deaths annually
  • DMSO is a highly effective, natural pain reliever that has helped individuals disabled by chronic pain (e.g., from failed spinal surgery or severe arthritis) regain their quality of life. It also addresses conditions that other therapies struggle to alleviate like complex regional pain syndrome
  • DMSO is effective in promoting wound healing and healthy scar formation, making it remarkable for surgical recovery and burns
  • DMSO has an 80% to 90% success rate for treating a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions, including arthritis, back and neck strains, sprains, bursitis, and traumatic injuries. Its rapid and dramatic effects have made it popular among professional athletes for quick recovery


How DMSO cures eye, ear, nose, throat and dental disease

Sore Throat

Many of those “incurable” conditions respond remarkably to DMSO

•DMSO can often significantly improve one’s vision, treat conditions such as macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa, and at times allow blind individuals to regain their sight. It is also often very helpful for sore and strained eyes and relieves excessive irritation and inflammation, along with many other eye conditions (e.g., cataracts).

•DMSO frequently treats a variety of ear conditions such as tinnitus, hearing loss, airplane ear, and a variety of infections inside the ear (e.g., otitis media).

•DMSO often is very helpful for sinusitis and a variety of infections of the nose and throat. Likewise, it is extremely helpful in dentistry, both for cleaning the mouth (e.g., by preventing bleeding gums), and by allowing the mouth to rapidly heal after dental surgeries.

•In this article, I will review the evidence supporting each of those uses, along with the data demonstrating the safety of these methods of DMSO administration and instructions on how to do them.


Antidepressants can rewire your mind to the point of committing violent crimes

  • Mental health in America is declining, with only 31% of adults rating their mental health as “excellent” in 2022, down from 43% two decades prior. Antidepressant use is also widespread
  • Research links antidepressants to increased risk of violent behavior, particularly in young adults. Drug manufacturers created the “Zoloft defense” strategy to protect themselves against legal repercussions from these cases
  • Studies show antidepressants can cause emotional blunting and detachment. The FDA also requires black box warnings about side effects such as suicidal thoughts and aggressive behavior
  • Specific SSRIs like Paxil and Luvox significantly increase your risk of violent behavior. Prozac is the most dangerous, raising aggressive behavior rates by up to 10.9 times
  • Exercise has been shown to be 1.5 times more effective than antidepressants for mental health. Other recommended strategies include proper nutrition and vitamin D.

(The article also recommends EFT but there are better alternatives. Contact me for more data.)




Social isolation linked to inadequate nutrient intake among older adults

Social Isolation

  • Social isolation in older adults is linked to increased risk of deficiencies in key micronutrients such as magnesium, potassium, vitamin B6, folate and vitamin C
  • Deficiencies in these micronutrients can contribute to age-related health issues, emphasizing the importance of adequate dietary intake
  • Improving dietary quality can lead to better health outcomes for socially isolated older individuals
  • In addition to healthier foods, removing sources of linoleic acid will contribute to better health
  • Consider adding exercise into your regular routine, as research has found that it helps ameliorate depression and isolation, especially among older adults


The Loss of Nutrients

The Loss of Nutrients

Modern farming practices and seed hybridization have significantly reduced the nutritional content of fruits and vegetables over the past 60 years, with average declines of 16% for calcium, 27% for vitamin C and 50% for iron.

The focus on higher yields, longer shelf life and visual appeal in crop development has led to a trade-off in nutrient density, particularly evident in hybrid tomatoes compared to heirloom varieties.

Four multinational corporations control two-thirds of the global seed market, leading to loss of biodiversity, farmer dependence on hybrid seeds and exploitative labor practices in seed production.

The nutrient decline in produce contributes to increased risk of deficiencies, reduced antioxidant intake and rising chronic diseases, leading to greater reliance on dietary supplements.

Solutions include supporting seed banks, practicing regenerative agriculture, increasing consumer awareness and implementing policies that prioritize soil health, protect farmers’ rights and enforce fair labor practices in seed production.


Aloe vera effective for most psoriasis

Aloe Vera for Psoriasis

  • Research suggests that applying aloe vera gel as a topical ointment may improve symptoms associated with psoriasis, as well as other skin conditions, including cuts and burns
  • Conventional treatments for psoriasis almost always involve medications, many of which are associated with serious side effects such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea
  • Several benefits aloe vera appropriates to psoriasis include decreased inflammation, increased collagen production, pain relief and added hydration to alleviate dry, scaly skin
  • While there are topical creams you can buy, the best way to apply aloe vera is by cutting or snapping a piece off the easy-to-grow plant, cutting the piece to release the gel inside and applying it to the affected area


The apoptotic and anticancer effects of cinnamon

Cinnamon Quills

Cancer rates are on the rise, and researchers are anxious to find possible alternative and herbal remedies to prevent and treat cancer. Conventional cancer treatments include chemotherapy and radiotherapy, both of which work to kill cancerous cells or arrest cancerous cell growth but have numerous negative side effects.

However, a recent study published in the European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry concluded that eugenol and cinnamaldehyde, two of the active ingredients in cinnamon, have powerful apoptotic properties that could be used to fight the growth and regeneration of cancerous cells. Researchers believe that cinnamon, widely used as a spice and flavoring agent, may be a possible preventative agent and treatment for cancer.
