NHMRC buckles under public pressure and releases first report on homeopathy

NHMRC buckles under public pressure and releases first report on homeopathy

SUCCESS! SUSTAINED PUBLIC & SENATE PRESSURE has forced the National Health and Medical Research Council – NHMRC to release the taxpayer funded draft First Review into homeopathy it commissioned and buried in 2012 – which it said it would never release.

As suspected, the First Review was thorough, conducted by a highly experienced reviewer and concluded “encouraging evidence for the effectiveness of homeopathy” in several medical conditions.

The release appears strategically timed to manage risk before NHMRC is once again put in charge of conducting new reviews into 16 natural therapies – despite being under active investigation by the Commonwealth Ombudsman for misconduct.

Freedom of Information documents reveal the First Review was good quality, but the document released is ‘annotated’ to try and discredit it – without any right of reply by the author or disclosing the full backstory.